Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thank You Notes

Miss Jordan over at Southern Hospitality inspired me to write some thank you notes. Something I fail at in real life. I don't fail at being thankful, just actually writing the note in my head on paper and sending it. So here goes...

Dear Husband,

Thank you for supporting me even when you don't understand the reasons behind my thoughts or actions. Thank you for letting me cry when I need to cry, holding me when I need held, and always making me laugh - which really is the best medicine of all. I love you.

Dear H,

Thanks for calling me on my BS and helping me make the hard decisions.  Thank you for holding me accountable when I fall back into my holding pattern.  Thank you for listening and revealing the "hidden to self" areas of my life. I'm so thankful to have you on my journey.

Dear Monday Night Posse,

Thank you for loving me despite my recent crazy and lack of explanation thereof. Thank you for being available to listen should I choose to share and showing grace when I let you down.  A girl couldn't ask for a better support system. 

I could go on and on, but maybe we'll save those for next Thursday.  


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