Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thankful Thursday: Tea

Dear Tea,

Thank you for being warm, delicious, and the perfect excuse to get together with my girlfriends on a Saturday. Our new favorite place, Tea Thyme & Lavender, is an amazing blend of all my/our favorite things: tea, antiques, lavender, and tasty homemade treats. You're alright, Tea, you're alright.

With fondness,

1 comment:

Stormy Seaworthy said...

Oh, you changed your layout! For a moment I thought I somehow clicked on the wrong link!

I am thankful for tea as well. When M went to Iraq he sent back all sorts of middle eastern teas for me and I felt like tea became this adventurous experience every time I opened a new package and brewed it.

The caffeine free herbal varieties from the store are my go-to warm, comfort drink in the evenings especially if I'm having dessert.